¿Papel y libretas recicladas?

¿Por qué este producto?

Fabricar libretas y hojas ecológicas con lirio acuático es una solución innovadora y sostenible para enfrentar la amenaza que esta planta representa para las presas, como la de San Miguel de Allende. Al utilizar el lirio acuático, se reduce su proliferación descontrolada en cuerpos de agua, lo que ayuda a restaurar el equilibrio ecológico y preservar las fuentes de agua. Además, transforma un material orgánico que podría ser considerado un desecho en productos útiles, reduciendo la presión sobre los recursos naturales. Este enfoque fomenta el reciclaje, la sostenibilidad y contribuye indirectamente a la protección del agua, ofreciendo beneficios tanto ambientales como sociales.

Por un bien común y para salvar nuestra ciudad.


Ecológico: El lirio acuático, como material natural y reciclado, ofrece una alternativa ecológica a muchos productos tradicionales. Además, al ser una planta invasora en muchos ecosistemas, su recolección para estos fines puede ayudar a controlar su propagación.

Renovable: Al ser una planta acuática que crece rápidamente, el lirio acuático es una fuente renovable de material para producción sostenible.

¿Cómo EcoLirio contribuye a esta causa?

En Ecolirio entendemos que el impacto ambiental de la producción de papel tradicional es significativo. Por ello, elegimos el lirio acuático, una planta invasora que afecta negativamente a ecosistemas acuáticos, como nuestra materia prima principal. De esta manera, no solo reducimos la presión sobre los bosques y los recursos naturales, sino que también contribuimos activamente al control y manejo de especies invasoras. Nuestro papel reciclado no solo es una alternativa ecológica, sino que también tiene un impacto directo y positivo en la restauración de los ecosistemas locales.

Opiniones Clientes

Descubre lo que nuestros clientes dicen sobre nuestros productos sostenibles.

Ecolirio ha cambiado mi perspectiva sobre el reciclaje y la sostenibilidad. ¡Increíble!

María López
Three recycling bins are lined up next to each other against a colorful wall. The bins are labeled for different materials: paper with a blue top, plastic with a brown top, and aluminum with a yellow top. Each bin has a distinct shape for the deposit slot appropriate for the material.
Three recycling bins are lined up next to each other against a colorful wall. The bins are labeled for different materials: paper with a blue top, plastic with a brown top, and aluminum with a yellow top. Each bin has a distinct shape for the deposit slot appropriate for the material.

San Miguel

Los productos de Ecolirio son excepcionales. La calidad del papel es impresionante y su impacto ambiental es notable. ¡Definitivamente los recomiendo a todos!

A typewriter with a piece of paper on which the words 'CIRCULAR ECONOMY' are typed. The typewriter has a classic design with a green body and visible metal components.
A typewriter with a piece of paper on which the words 'CIRCULAR ECONOMY' are typed. The typewriter has a classic design with a green body and visible metal components.
Carlos Ruiz



Productos Sostenibles

Transformamos lirio acuático en papel ecológico para un futuro mejor.

A tilted, overfilled recycle bin designed in the shape of a rocket, mainly filled with plastic bottles and other recyclables, is situated near a sidewalk. It is supported by a green metal stand on a paved surface, with some additional waste scattered around it. In the background, a street with parked cars and a person riding a scooter can be seen.
A tilted, overfilled recycle bin designed in the shape of a rocket, mainly filled with plastic bottles and other recyclables, is situated near a sidewalk. It is supported by a green metal stand on a paved surface, with some additional waste scattered around it. In the background, a street with parked cars and a person riding a scooter can be seen.
An image of a sneaker with a visible insole featuring the text 'END PLASTIC WASTE' alongside a globe symbol. The sneaker's interior includes shades of white and accents of teal. It is placed on a textured carpet surface.
An image of a sneaker with a visible insole featuring the text 'END PLASTIC WASTE' alongside a globe symbol. The sneaker's interior includes shades of white and accents of teal. It is placed on a textured carpet surface.
A group of recycling bins is lined up against a blue wall. Two bins are blue with 'ALTPAPIER' written on them, and there is one black bin in between two others with a sticker that has information about recycling.
A group of recycling bins is lined up against a blue wall. Two bins are blue with 'ALTPAPIER' written on them, and there is one black bin in between two others with a sticker that has information about recycling.
Three recycling bins of different colors stand side by side on a cobblestone street. The bins are labeled with the text 'Porto' and are designated for different types of waste: green for general waste, blue for paper, and yellow for plastics and metals. In the background, there is a vehicle and a building covered with scaffolding.
Three recycling bins of different colors stand side by side on a cobblestone street. The bins are labeled with the text 'Porto' and are designated for different types of waste: green for general waste, blue for paper, and yellow for plastics and metals. In the background, there is a vehicle and a building covered with scaffolding.
Metal recycling bins for different types of waste are placed in front of a wall with a window displaying posters. The wall also features signage with schedules and a label for the municipal museum. Lush green plants are partially visible on the right side.
Metal recycling bins for different types of waste are placed in front of a wall with a window displaying posters. The wall also features signage with schedules and a label for the municipal museum. Lush green plants are partially visible on the right side.
A street scene with several recycling bins, each designated for a specific type of waste, against a wall adorned with informational posters about recycling. In front of the bins is a cart filled with assorted materials such as cardboard, plastic, and other recyclables. Above, a stone wall and foliage are visible, and there are street signs with directional information.
A street scene with several recycling bins, each designated for a specific type of waste, against a wall adorned with informational posters about recycling. In front of the bins is a cart filled with assorted materials such as cardboard, plastic, and other recyclables. Above, a stone wall and foliage are visible, and there are street signs with directional information.